Monday, 16 December 2013

Complete Test Chapter No.2 "Patriotism" & Summary "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening"

Chapter NO. 2 & Summary                                                                        Total Marks: 24
Q.1      Answer the following question:         
i)          What are the qualities of a patriot?

ii)         What makes us stay alert in the wake of foreign invasion?

iii)        What is the highest military award of Pakistan?

Q.2      Translate the following paragraphs
A.         Patriotism gives people the strength and courage to safeguard the interest of the country and nation. For a patriot, the sovereignty, integrity and honour of the country are supreme values on which no compromise can be made. Patriots render sacrifice for the preservation and protection of these values.

B.         Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah was a nation builder and a great patriot. He wanted to protect the values, culture and traditions of the Muslims of the subcontinent. He gave the Muslims a sense of identity by securing a separate homeland for them. He said: “we must develop a sense of patriotism which galvanizes us all into one united and strong nation.”

Q.3      Use the following words in your own sentences:
i)          Sacrifice

ii)         Prosperity

iii)        Invasion

iv)        Responsible

v)         Commendable

Q.4      Write down the summary of the poem “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening”

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